Thursday, October 21, 2010

Top Three Fun Things For Kids To Do in Singapore

Singapore is a mix of different food and cultures but it also has awesome things to do!!
This is my list of the Top Ten Things To Do In Singapore For Kids!!

1 Kart Right Speedway is my favorite activity to do in Singapore. You drive a go cart (with a motor) around the track. My favorite bit of the track is the straight bit of track, where you can go the fastest and all of the other corners test how fast you can go around them without being over taken!! To drive your own go cart you have to be over 1 meter and 20 centimeters tall. Otherwise you can take a double go cart (with 2 seats)  and drive around with someone who is tall enough. The rental carts can reach speeds up to 50 k/m!!

You have to come in covered foot wear
Best to go during school holidays unless you want to wait in lines
You CAN"T book for arrive and drive
 Drivers Under 18 years of age must have their indemnity form signed by a parent or legal guardian before being allowed out on the track
To find out more about what you can and can't do go to

Open:10am-10pm weekdays 9am-11pm weekends
Cost: Under 18 $22 for 10 minutes

2 Universal Studios is my 2nd favorite thing to do in Singapore. Universal Studios is a EPIC day out. The Battlestar Galactica HUMAN and CYLON are the two main rides in Universal Studios. They are temporally closed because of technical faults. Even though the two main rides are closed Universal Studios still has a lot to offer. My favorite ride is Mummy. Some rides I recommend are:  The New York Hurricane and the Mummy . It is a simulation of a level 5 hurricane hitting New York. You are in a shipyard and watching the drama unfold. The Mummy ride is based on the movie The Mummy. Universals Studios Home page click here

   Make sure you book your tickets in advance otherwise if the park is sold out go down to the tour operators in the carpark who usually have tickets. Can book online at

Vistor Info

3 Shooting clay pigeons is my third favorite thing to do in Singapore. You don't actually shoot pigeons more like a skeet ( For more info on what a skeet is click there -> You have to be 12 years old and if its your first visit you have to bring your passport. You fire a shot gun or pistol. It can hurt a bit though. In total IT IS REALLY FUN!!!!!


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